Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Your Personal Digital Footprint

Friday (3/18/16)
10:30 AM
   As Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg played over the loudspeakers, I heard, "I want you to keep your phones on during this presentation. Use social media. Text. Tweet about it. Tell your friends! Get into it!" Well that's certainly not the opening I had foreseen.  Then again, I should have expected that I was in for some sort of surprise, knowing the eccentric personality of Luke Wyckoff.  Mr. Wyckoff is the Chief Visionary Officer & Founder of Social Media Energy, a Denver-based social media marketing/analysis company and his good-natured, unconventional personality radiates a passion for what he does.
  During the presentation, he had us draw a picture of the person next to us, then asked, "Would you want to set this as your profile picture on Facebook?" He told us, "You've got to own your digital footprint." In order to do this, individuals must regulate what gets shared with their followers/viewers. Wyckoff stressed the importance of Googling oneself & being happy with the results.
  Wyckoff went on to talk about starting a company.  He stumbled across the idea for his current business in recognizing the need that other companies had for a social media manager.  However, the base price per job was more of an experimental experience for him. As he recalled, "I went to one place; they said yes right away. I was excited! But they said 'yes' too fast... I tried doubling my prices. My next customers were REMAX Real Estate...they said 'yes' too fast too! I doubled the prices again...another 'yes' too fast! When I doubled my prices once more for a presentation to Sports Authority, they said 'maybe' (before a 'yes' two days later) & I knew I had found my pricing model."
  Overall , Wyckoff offered the following advice:

  • Be motivated to get work done on time & perfect.
  • Without margin, there is no mission.
  • Make a 3-column list of: things you love to do, things you're good at, & things you can't stand.
  • Google yourself & update your LinkedIn profile regularly.

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