Sunday, April 2, 2017

Social Media Success

Experience Speaks! A Social Media Double Shot!
By: Luke Wyckoff

Friday March 17, 2017
10:30 am

At this session, Luke spoke about his company Social Media Energy and how they use social media for their clients. He started off by saying experience speaks. Meaning that the more experience you have the better you will be in life. He also said he has a little obsession with website hoarding. He talked about two topics but I'm going to break them up into four for better explanation.

Digital Marketing

He gave us some in sight into what is trending digital marketing. He explained that customer service marketing is something new within the past couple years. It's watching and communicating with customers through hashtags and mentions. They also call responding to customers when they post/comment with problems/dissatisfaction with a product or service, just in time customer satisfaction. He expressed how responding in real time and bringing rating in house is super important.

Big Data

Sounds scary right? Only if you don't like your data being collected. Big data is data regression analysis to find customer persona depending on certain interests and buying habits. Luke's company uses Birdeye technology to collect their big data. They also use to listen in on what people are saying about the companies they serve.

Creating A Persona

After you collect your data on your customers, like buying habits and certain interests. You create your different personas. A persona is a fictitious person or character that represents the majority of your customer base. Your company can have more than one persona depending on products and uses of products. To learn all about customers he uses Fullcontact and Emapping. Luke was asked the question "Do you ever get nervous that you focus to much into a niche market?" His response was "Of course I get nervous I focus to much into a niche market." He went on to say that you always need to take a step back and think about the different things people can do with your product/service.

The Changing Buyer

Gone are the days you buy what your mom bought just because she bought it and her mom bought it. Or that you buy a car because Grandpa said it was the best car. Now people buy products and services based on reviews and how many stars it got. When was the last time you went out to dinner and didn't check to see how many stars a restaurant had and decided not to go there based on poor stars and reviews? Probably every time, am I right? It's because of the type of buyers and age we are in. If the consumer is basing their buying habits on stars and reviews, where does your company stack up? Luke went on to explain that because of this buying change, companies should be focusing on their reviews and stars by offering incentives to get higher stars and reviews. How do you do that? You ask the customer to rate you and before they submit ask if their is anything they can do to make their answer a higher answer. If they say yes, than you preform that task and they should rate you higher.

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