Monday, March 21, 2016

Conference Reflection

Overall, I found this weekends events to be very beneficial for both my future career and the success of our chapter. As president elect, I spent most of my weekend talking with other presidents and focussing in on tips that would really benefit the growth and development of our chapter. I am excited to implement some new ideas into next years meetings and also plan another very successful marketing week. One of the sessions that I found to be most valuable to my role was the presidents' reception. I am very grateful that they opened this event up to the president elects because it allowed me the opportunity to ask other presidents how they handle certain aspects of the chapter. I was given some great new workshop ideas as well as many interactive lessons.

The AMA conference is a great place to network and meet people from various chapters around the United States. Every session is run by a few schools of various sizes. While it is nice to listen to how large chapters operate, it is more beneficial to hear about smaller chapters having the same struggles that we experience. I am excited to use what I have learned this week as a tool to help our chapter to continue to grow and develop over the next year.

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