Monday, March 21, 2016

The Future Of Advertising Is Now

The Future Of Advertising Is Now
Ian Dallimore, Director of Innovation & Digital Strategy, Lamar Advertising Company

Introduction to “OOH” (out of home advertising), we are in a digital age, advertisements have evolved as well. Mobile phones have become the center of everything and social media is one of the most effective ways to communicate with consumers. Ian and his company create advertisements that “come to life” buy creating interactive billboards. He showed us multiple examples, a few of them include a billboard that allowed you to use Wi-Fi when close to it through the company website, a billboard that was painted everyday by an artist according to what was trending on twitter which was called #StoryOfTheOpen, and other billboards that were 3 dimensional. Another cool thing he talked about were billboards that featured live streaming mostly from Instagram. For example, a company that sold paddle boards advertised through a billboard that streamed a live paddle-boarding competition called #BattleOfThePaddle which they got trending on social media. Most of the other advertisements he facilitated featured pictures from Instagram with specific hashtags that were streamed live through the billboard.

Ian also introduced us to the use of geofencing which is when an area where there are target consumers who are to be focused on by “fencing off’ the area and all the trending topics in the space are collected as data and specific advertisements are sent to their phones to specifically market to the audience in that area.

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